Wednesday, April 16, 2008


To kill bad feet smell I decided to apply some formaldehyde solution, but didn't use any cotton wads -- used hands to apply. So now one of my palms is dry as a Sahara desert -- it doesn't sweat at all -- and the other is normal as usual. That brings some weird feelings...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Funny stuff

The funniest shit about that P750 description at its official site is that of business feature Ur Time which allows this device to show four various cites' times simultaneously! That's just a fucking wonder, innit? And it looks as though the manufacturer is the hell of proud of that one of three business features! Agh, I'm just laughing my ass off.

P.S. The device's been put off till this Saturday... am longing to hold it in my nerdy hands. =)


That is a fucking Catch-22... I want to buy that device I wrote about and I want to make a nice picnic at the riverside (on my birth day, which is on the 15th of April). Each wish excludes another. Gotta work that out. Are there any special coursing on time-managing and money-budgeting, huh?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

James Brown

I've downloaded full discography of James Brown recently. He really rocks! Currently listening to «Zaire Soul» album. I wonder what style it is he's performing... as it's not clear funk, and neither is it clear blues/jazz...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I've finally ordered that brand new Asus P750! It's to be in my hands in approximately ten day! Yihaa! I'm planning to purchase an 8gb flash-card and a Sony Ericsson bluetooth headset for it. =)


I hate it when I gotta use such kind of coding. =(

   1: String name = rs.getString("name");
   2: String nm  = new String("");
   3: for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i){
   4:     char[] ch = {(char) (name.codePointAt(i) +
   5:             ((name.codePointAt(i) < 192 ) ? 0 : 848))};
   6:     nm = nm.concat(new String(ch));
   7: };